Pediatric Occupational Therapy

What I Do

I help parents who are searching for answers about their young child’s development move from feeling confused to feeling empowered so that they have the time, motivation, and energy to focus on their child’s resilience, abilities, and happiness  as early as possible.

This Fits You

What Services Help With

Occupational Therapy services focus on either preventing, empowering, or addressing developmental delays that impact a child’s success in very sense of the word. A preventative model is, of course, the most effective strategy, but it is not the model that our culture is used to pursuing. Nonetheless, utilizing occupational therapy services similar to how we utilize pediatric medical services should be the preferred model and will hopefully be the future of mainstream therapeutic services.

The reason why a preventative and empowering model is effective because this neurobiological disorders are rising and are the majority of diagnoses on our caseload. According to the CDC, ASD diagnoses are at a record high of 1/48 with 9-11% of children diagnosed with ADHD and a 17% increase in developmental disability diagnoses in the past 12 years. Using a fix-symptom approach with these neurobiological diagnoses is tedious and ineffective.

A Little Cerebral OT is one of the first therapy services to switch to a neurologically-based preventative model to accurately address the growing number of these diagnoses. This means that services are for children as young as age 0 as well as children who do not show an obvious developmental delay or specific diagnosis.

What are the Services

There are three levels designed to serve parents and their children. These levels are created to support parents with whatever they need support with, from education to consistent consultation to more frequent support. All levels can be completed through an online/distance format because this is a consultative format and not a direct services format.

PricingLow Mid High 
6 Developmental check-ins throughout the year
Online/distance options
Periodic Assessment & Tracking
Written Up Assessment
Parent only sessions available
6 Individualized sessions

Additional Tummy Time Method Classes

Tummy Time Method small group classes can be done online as well as in-person.

Invest Early

How much money will you spend on future occupational therapy, psychological, speech therapy, behavioral therapy, or play therapy services if your child’s neurological development is not addressed now?

Save money by investing in your child before your child shows any challenging emotional behaviors or struggles to keep up with his or her peers. Investing now is the fastest and easiest way for you to ensure your child’s success.

Time is Important

  1. How much time will you lose waiting to connect with your young child and setting up his or her future success by pushing off professional instruction and guidance?
  2. How will your emotional and physical health be impacted if you continue in your current state with your young child?

Attunement Matters

How has your relationship changed with your partner and young child given the daily needs, attention, and time your child requires?

When you feel powerless, spend most of your time managing or avoiding your child’s big emotional responses, the feeling of closeness you have with your child will be strained. You may not want to leave the house, join playdates, or engage in daily activities because of this strain. If you are looking to strengthen your connection with your child, feel in control of emotional upsets, and join the activities that would benefit your child, sign up for our Intensive Program.

Are you sick of feeling stressed, confused, and isolated when it comes to playing with and supporting your young child?

You can decrease your stress by interacting with your child on a primal level that increases feelings of relaxation and happiness in both of you. It is time to feel better, to feel connected, and to feel empowered.

Be Empowered

Do you find yourself relying on your pediatrician for the answers about your child’s development only to not learn or discover what you were really wanting to know? Are you turning to the internet to determine whether your child’s behavior is typical or when they are supposed to reach a certain milestone?

This is your chance to become your child’s developmental expert and advocate without sacrificing your energy or free time. Allow yourself to trust  your intuition. You will have the power to determine your child’s future trajectory without waiting until there is a problem. Learn to play and move with  your child as your support him or her through those developmental milestones while establishing a secure connection, strengthening neurological processes and foundational skills, and deepening your understanding of your child’s inner self.

Stop Worrying

What if you could iron out the neurological kinks within your child and eliminate a future diagnosis of attention deficit disorder, sensory processing disorder, or autism spectrum disorder ? Are you feeling anxious that your child might develop a neurobiological disorder, like attention deficit disorder, sensory processing disorder, or autism spectrum disorder?

By preventing abnormal movement and processing patterns in the earliest years of your child’s development, you are significantly reducing your child’s future struggles that are so common among children and teenagers today like ADHD, ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Sensory Processing Disorder.

Contact me to see if our 40-day or 90-day programming is the right fit for you.

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